
Thank you for having an interest and using my plugins.:)

I’m Tsubasa Kameya, WordPress plugin developer name was gqevu6bsiz, and freelance. I live in Okinawa, Japan.

I developing WordPress plugins from 2012.

I accept job requests/offers for work, If you have problems WordPress customization, please feel free to contact me. 🙂


About Me

Address: Kabutocho 6th Hayama Bldg. 4F, 17-2 Kabutocho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-0026 Japan

TEL: 050-5309-9836 (I am not good at speaking English on the phone, so please contact to E-mail)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gqevu6bsiz

Skype: gqevu6bsiz

Github: https://github.com/gqevu6bsiz

WordPress.org: https://profiles.wordpress.org/gqevu6bsiz#content-plugins